Beer Pot-Pourri 2022 (Reviews)

Some rapid-fire reviews, all beer here.

Wellington Imperial Russian Stout

In the market now for a generation along with its craft pioneer owner, Wellington Brewery in Guelph, Ontario. This beer is 8% abv, and inevitably as most beers in the craft space (and not just those beers) seems to alter in some years.



This version, packaged two months ago, offers good, slightly roast malt flavour balanced between excessive dryness and lush richness. It has a good neutral bitterness, somewhat restrained, as is the abv for the style.

Resembles to a degree, and perhaps inspired “way back” by, the UK Samuel Smith Imperial Stout.

In historical terms I’d type this a good double or export stout.

Spearhead Queen of Wheat Wheat Beer

Another release from Kingston, Ontario’s Spearhead Brewery, whose new releases we rate regularly, being on the list sent a free pack.

Unlike the limited editions regularly issued, Queen of Wheat is “full-time”, benefitting from a Spring/Summer listing at Liquor Control Board of Ontario branches.

As most their beers it offers no-holds-barred flavour – nothing dumbed-down or compromised. This is a Belgian Wit style, here the fruity note contributed by a peach essence vs. orange (peel, coriander, etc.) often used.



A suave but full taste results from the combination of flavours, including a grainy wheat note and clovey taste from the yeast and fermentation regime.

The beer is a collaboration with Rowena Whey and The Canadian Centre for Gender + Sexual Diversity. More information in link above.

Diamond Geezer 

From Muddy York Brewing in Toronto, 6.5% abv, styled as English IPA. Considered the big bro to the brewery’s Major Small Best Bitter.

In my view, more a northern brown ale à la the old Vaux Double Maxim Brown Ale* and Federation Brown Ale, or Wellington Brewery’s County Brown Ale for that matter. Certain Scottish ales too.



Tan colour, decent, fairly neutral bittering. Pleasant but not more, to my taste (as the Major Small).

Amaro Bitter Ale

Medium-gravity ale made by a Quebec craft, Fanelli, styled in the English way. Not complex, restrained flavour, neutral hopping (indeed characteristic of some English beers).


*Still made, by a brewery set up years ago to continue the brand after Vaux’ expiry.




1 thought on “Beer Pot-Pourri 2022 (Reviews)”

  1. Note: text now corrected to state Spearhead Brewery’s Queen of Wheat wheat beer is not a limited-time release, but rather a full-time brew, listed for Spring and Summer at our LCBO in Ontario. Also available from the brewery (see website linked in post).


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